Dr Elpine de Boer is University Lecturer Psychology of Religion at the University of Leiden (LUCSoR). She looks at religiosity and spirituality from a psychological perspective and combines quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis.
Elpine de Boer is interested in people’s inner experiences, their (un)felt relationship with higher spirits, and (changing) personal beliefs/convictions about self and the world. Her research interests include (1) the mutual interdependence of mental/religious dimensions, such as values and meaning, and psychological/physical dimensions, such as stress, crisis and perceived health (e.g., De Boer & Kooijman, 2014, Veerkracht en spiritualiteit bij ‘kwetsbare ouderen’ and (2) current forms of religiosity in the Netherlands (De Boer, 2006, Je bent jong en je wilt anders; De Boer & de Roest, 2016, Bonding during Church Night).
Dr. Elpine de Boer, Leiden University